Do LEDs really last as long as the claims made by manufacturers?

| 19 Dec 2013 | 11:21

    The first thing to consider is buying LED bulbs from reputable manufacturers that have been tested by outside agencies. A good label to look for is the Energy Star rating on the packages. Read the warranties and labels that are required these days.

    LED bulbs over time depreciate in light output and a typical life rating in hours means that the lamps will lose about 30% of their original light output yet continue to function well beyond the hours they are rated for.

    A full year consists of 8,760 hours (365 x 24). So if an LED lamp has a “useful” life of ie 30,000 hours and is left on continuously, it will basically lose 30% light output in about 3.5 years yet continue to operate.

    Typical household hours for a light bulb is about 3,000 hours per year. So, you can see the value of these long-lasting products! It is not un-common to see labels offering over 20 years of use due to new technologies in LED.