What can chiropractic treatments do to help my vertigo?

| 02 Oct 2014 | 08:43

If you suffer from dizziness or vertigo, lightheadedness, fear of falling, disequilibrium, or wall or furniture walking then the information you learn here can help you understand what is causing your balance disorder and what you can do about it.

Most doctors will treat your balance disorder with medications or exercises, and if those treatments don't work, they will probably tell you to “learn to live with it.” You see, your medical doctor may have diagnosed your condition as an “inner ear problem,” which it could be. However, a large cause of dizziness is due to a decreased firing of the cerebellum — the back part of the brain which controls your balance and movement. When there are decreased impulses in the cerebellum, you will experience a balance disorder. The inner ear and the cerebellum are connected by the vestibular branch of the eighth cranial nerve, and unless the real cause of your balance disorder (the cerebellum) is treated, you will never get better!

The reason behind this goes all the way back to your doctor's ability to diagnose the true cause of your balance disorder. If your doctor cannot clearly identify what's causing your balance disorder, then the instructions he gives to the physical therapist don't stand a chance of working. It's like trying to bake a cake with the recipe for chocolate chip cookies.

Most medical treatments for balance disorders only focus on removing symptoms. For instance, medications may make you feel better for a short time, but the balance disorder will still be there when they wear off. You are also left open to potentially dangerous side effects. Other treatments, such as head or eye exercises, can be ineffective because if they stem from a misdiagnosis. That is to say, your doctor could be treating the wrong part of your body.

Like any truly advanced form of healing, Chiropractic works with your body's own natural healing powers to put you back to where you were before you were ever dizzy.
Call a chiropractor today to find out how you can help your body begin to heal itself!