How long do you have to go to a chiropractor?

| 27 Mar 2014 | 10:34

The answer to this really depends on what you are seeking to accomplish. Some people want to get rid of their pain and get back to their activity as soon as possible. Other patients may be more interested in achieving optimal health and wellness throughout their life. Chiropractic care can do both. Based on the patients best interests a schedule can be formulated that is ideal for you.

Typically chiropractic care consists of two phases: condition-based care, and wellness care. These phases work together as a system to promote true health and wellness for chiropractic patients.

Condition-based care focuses on a patient's symptoms and pain. Because most patients first visit a chiropractic office because of pain or an injury, condition-based care strives to improve these symptoms. This phase of care could last from a series of visits to several months, depending on the severity of the problem and the patient's prior health status.

However, when it comes to correcting spinal misalignments, this takes time. Once your spinal problem and discomfort are under control, your chiropractor will give you the opportunity to enter the wellness care phase. This phase works to restore normal spinal contours and promote spinal stability to help prevent symptoms from returning.

So regardless of which category you may find yourself in you will always benefit from the restoring of nerve flow to the body through regular adjustments.