Hardsyton to contribute aid to Hamburg and Sparta First Aid Squads

| 17 Jun 2015 | 01:41

The county will be contributing monies to the Hamburg and Sparta First Aid Squads, according to Township Manager Marianne Smith.

Smith informed the council members that she suggested splitting the amount of the contribution between the Hamburg and Sparta First Aid Squads for donating their time.

Smith stated to the council that she contacted both Sparta and Hamburg and informed them that the contribution was the action of Hardyston Township’s Councilmen and Mayor Carl Miller. The contribution will be sent directly to the Hamburg and Sparta First Aid Squads.

Attorney Fred Semrau also discussed the ordinance relating to the First Aid building on the South Side which should be called building by type which reverts back to the township. There is a section called right of first refusal to a particular party that is not easily identifiable.

In the long term, Semrau explained he would like to discuss with the council about doing something with a petition to the court to get an order where there is clear title to give the rightful interested parties that right of first refusal.

"They have to purchase the properties so it’s not as if we are taking something that’s not necessarily the Township’s," Semrau said.

Semrau explained that at the present time he would like to get an ordinance to transfer the properties. Right now the ordinance is free and clear of all leads and it’s important to get the ordinance because it would protect this property, and then down the road council will take the necessary steps.