Ogdensburg school holds Literacy Night
OGDENSBURG — Ogdensburg Elementary School held its first Literacy Night on Thursday, oct. 19.
The Olympic-themed evening included 5 stations for each team to complete. These stations included the following: Boggle, Jeopardy, Mad Libs, Design Your Own Bookmark, and Read with Me. Upon completion of all stations, each child was awarded a medal and was able to take home a book of choice. The books were donated by Mrs. Takacs, Mrs. Baeli, and Mrs. Mongon.
The purpose of the event was to encourage a positive association with reading and writing by playing word games and participating in other fun literacy activities. Additionally, family members had the opportunity to collaborate with their student in the school environment.
Fifteen sixth grade students volunteered their time to help at the stations, greet families at the door, and partner up with any younger students who needed one.
The night was successful and will be done again in the future.