Drama Geek Studios will present “Disney’s Beauty and the Beast,” starting Friday, Dec. 6, at the historic Crescent Theater, 74 Main St., Sussex. It runs through Sunday, Dec. 22.
Based on the Academy Award-winning animated feature, the stage version includes all of the songs written by Alan Menken and the late Howard Ashman along with new songs by Menken and Tim Rice.
The original Broadway production ran for more than 13 years and was nominated for nine Tony Awards, including Best Musical.
Shows are at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays with matinees at 3 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays.
Tickets are $22 for adults and $17 for students age 17 and younger and senior citizens, age 65 and older.
Buy them at the door or online at dramageekstudios.ticketleap.com/drama-geek-studios-presents-disneys-beauty-and-the-beast/