Delaware Valley Choral Society returns with Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols
Milford. The society’s first post-lockdown performance is offered free of charge at Milford United Methodist Church.

Celebrate with the Delaware Valley Choral Society for its first live performance since the Covid-19 lockdown.
On Sunday, Dec. 12 at 3 p.m., a Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols will be held at the Milford United Methodist Church, 206 East Ann Street, Milford.
Guest artists and groups will join the Delaware Valley Choral Society, including renowned organist Craig Williams and the Dingman-Delaware Children’s Choir directed by Brian Krauss.
The festival is free and open to the public. Any donations are welcome to support guest artists.
If you like to sing, consider joining the society in January, when rehearsals begin for their spring concert. Rehearsals take place every Sunday, 2 to 4 p.m., at the Milford United Methodist Church. Music and rehearsal aids will be provided when you come.
The Delaware Valley Choral Society is a non-profit group dedicated to performing major choral works in their original form. The society incorporates aspiring musicians from the area as well as professional musicians to bring major works of music to the community.
For more information or questions, email Jeffrey Fornoff at