Mixed media artist to give talk and demonstration
Newton. Kat Block’s work is complex, integrating various papers, watercolors, photography, and graphite.

The Sussex County Art Society is sponsoring a mixed media art demonstration by Springfield artist Kat Block on Nov. 11.
Block will bring some of her completed mixed media collages and will talk about how they were done. The public and prospective art society members are welcome to attend.
Her work is complex, integrating various papers, watercolors, photography, and graphite. Although rich in color, design and pattern, the finished collages remain luminous and serene.
Block is an award-winning artist who is currently teaching an intensive mixed media minicourse at the Visual Arts Center in Summit.
The Sussex County Art Society regularly meets on the second Thursday of the month from noon until 2 or 3 p.m., depending on the activity planned. Each meeting consists of socializing while partaking of light refreshments, a short business meeting, and then an art demonstration.
The art society has served artists in Sussex County since 1964. Besides inviting guest artists to demonstrate in various media at its monthly meetings, members also hold informal critiquing sessions in which suggestions to improve a member’s painting are made. Members also exhibit their artwork in the municipal buildings of Lafayette, Frankford and Hampton townships.
Funding for their demonstrations has been made available in part by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State, a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, through the State/County Partnership Block Grant Program, as administered by the Sussex County Arts and Heritage Council.
Watch for workshop announcements and the winter and spring schedules on the SCAA Facebook page.