With summer over, area residents will flock to autumn events

SUSSEX COUNTY—It's been a hot end to summer, and the lure of cooler weather, pumpkins, and apple cider is calling. There are lots of great events in our area. Here is some information about many of them.
Sussex Christian School Fall Festival: The 40th Annual Sussex Christian School Fall Festival will be held on September 22 at the Sussex County Fairgrounds. There will be a Craft Fair and Car Show from 10 am to 4 pm as well as Country Store with baked goods during the same times. There will be a Snack Shack open from 8 am to 7 pm, and an auction will be held from 6 pm to 10 pm. Thee will be free admission and parking, kids games, face painting, hay rides, bounce houses, and a lawn and garden tracter pull, In addition, flu shots will be available.
Kristy Lockburner is the Co-Chair for the entire event along with Marlene Meyers.
She said, “Admission is free, and all proceeds are used towards unexpected expenses that may come up through out the school year and funds are also used towards upgrades to our school such as: upgrading school security, bleachers in our gym, a stage and sound system for performances at the school are just a few examples of items we have been able to purchase from the funds raised at our event over the past years.”
Lockburner added, “At our event our volunteers give their time and talents to make this event a fun filled family event for all ages. We offer games, bounces houses, post rides, and face painting for the kids, Counrty Store with baked goods, a Silent and Oral Auction, and Flu shots for the adults, along with a Car Show, Lawn & Garden Tractor Pull, and our own Snack Shack for all Ages to enjoy. What sets us apart is the strong relationships that bind us together to promote Sussex Christian School.”
Visit: sussexchristianschool.org/fall-festival/index.html for further information.
Harvest Festival: On September 28 and 29 the Holy Spirit Orthodox Christian Church will hold its Harvest Festival on Route 984 in Wantage. Aside from the everything fall, one of the hallmarks of the event will be the Saturday night performance by the locally loved band, Snake Oil Willie.
Said Seth Fleishman of the Snake Oil Willie Band, which will be performing at the Fest on Saturday, September 29th from 6-8 pm, “Enjoy Classic Rock N Roll on Saturday, September 29th,” he said. “Bring your chairs, sit back and relax to some great music."
For further information, visit: <URL destination="http://www.facebook.com/holyspiritorthodoxnj/ ">www.facebook.com/holyspiritorthodoxnj/
</URL>Peters Valley Fall Craft Fair: The Annual Peters Valley Fall Craft Fair will be held on September 29 and 30, 2018 on Saturday from 10am-6pm and on Sunday 10am-5pm at The Sussex County Fairgrounds. Admission is $10 for a one day pass or $15 two a day pass. Children under 12 are free. This annual event showcases beautiful American Craft made by 150+ exhibiting artists from across the country. Discover the pleasure of living with handmade objects and the beauty they bring to your life. Browse five buildings of amazing artwork, meet the makers, watch an array of artist demonstrations and find the perfect gift for yourself or someone special. There are also ongoing artist demonstrations, live music, great food and kid's art activities.
Said Kristin Muller, the Executive Director of the Peters Valley School of Craft, “The Craft Fair started in 1970 and it was held on the Peters Valley campus in the fields. Our campus is located in the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area (DEWA) managed by the National Park Service. The first DEWA superintendent worked with Sally D. Francisco the first Director of Peters Valley to create a craft village and host a craft fair to bring visitors to the newly formed park. The history says that 10,000 people came to the park to attend the fair. about 12 years ago we moved it to the Sussex County Fairgrounds for a number of reasons; accessibility, indoor pavilions, parking and to be more active in the cultural and economic development in Sussex county.”
This is the Fair's 46th year, and all proceeds go to Peter's Valley.
Muller said, “Peters Valley's mission is to enrich lives through the learning, appreciation and practice of the art of fine craft. We accomplish our mission through our immersion adult workshop program in eight fully equipped studios. Offering classes in blacksmithing, ceramics, jewelry and fine metals, fiber arts including weaving and surface design, woodworking and woodturning, digital photography, special topics, glass, printmaking. Our galleries offer rotating exhibitions and a gorgeous selection of American Crafts. The youth art program and craftsmen at work program teach children about the history of craft and it's technological evolution and our craft fair provides an opportunity for artists to sell their work and for the public to learn about how crafts are made and how they can beautify their homes and lives by surrounding themselves with beautifully hand made housewares and decorative objects. All of the proceeds help support our educational programs. Just think that every ticket helps Peters Valley continue to provide high quality experiences in fine craft for the general public.”
For further information, visit: <URL destination="http://www.petersvalley.org/html/annual_fall_craft_fair.cfm ">www.petersvalley.org/html/annual_fall_craft_fair.cfm
</URL>Newton Fall Fest: The Newton Fall Fest and Classic Car Show will be held on October 7th from 11 am to 3 pm. Spring Street will be buzzing, and the event will include a classic car show, live music, a scarcrow making contest, a pie contest and more. No tickets ae needed, and there is free parking. Visit www.facebook.com/events/262527067687493 for further information and vendor and car show applications.
Honey and Garlic Festival: The Ninth Annual Sussex County Harvest Honey and Garlic Festival wil be held on October 13 from 10 am to 4 pm at the Sussex County Fairgrounds. This is a free event, and is a family festival is a celebration of agritourism, ecotourism and arts and heritage and tourism. The County of Sussex, the Sussex County Beekeepers Association and the Garden State Garlic Growers are joining with the Sussex County Farm and Horse Show to showcase New Jersey's great northwest. There will be a farmers market where you can buy fresh, local Sussex County and Jersey Fresh products including fruit, vegetables, flowers and wine. The Sussex County Beekeepers Association will have educational displays and materials along with an array of honey products.
Said Autumn Sylvester, P.P., the Principal Planner of the Sussex County Division of Planning and Economic Development, “Originally funded through a New Jersey Highlands Council Agritourism Marketing Grant and a New Jersey Department of State, Division of Travel and Tourism grant, the Harvest, Honey, & Garlic Festival began in 2010 as part of an economic development initiative to promote agritourism and ecotourism in Sussex County.”
Sylvester added, “We have live music, food, wine tastings, honey tastings, farmers market, garlic educational displays, and children’s crafts. Children crafts include: pumpkin painting, bird feeder crafts, and making clay ornaments. What makes this event unique is that it is the only garlic festival that has continued a 20 year tradition. It also the first and only Honey Festival in New Jersey. The County has a long standing agricultural history and this event continues to honor & celebrate that tradition during the fall harvest time.”
The event will be held rain or shine.
Annual Fall Fest: For a more down-town, country feel, head to the Stillwater Historical Society's 13th Annual Fall Fest on Saturday, October 13th held at the Stillwater School from 11 am to 4:30 pm. One of the event's popular inclusions is the “Apple Anything” contest. The competition is open to the public as long as you are an amateur bakers. Cost to enter is $5, and pies must be dropped off at the Festival between 11 and 12 on the day of the event.
“The reason our festival is unique is because of the historic nature of Stillwater,” said the Society's President, Deborah Drumm, “ We are trying to keep the festival focused on what it may have been like in the 1800's. We also have a coloring contest for the grade school children and every year the theme is a historic structure all around the town. This year it is Robbins' General Store. We all Love Stillwater and want to keep the unique environment the same it was in 1740.”
Visit www.historicstillwater.org/site/e107_plugins/content/content.php?content.63 for further information and for pie contest entries. This festival and parking are free.
Magical Mystery Halloween Festival: The Shoppes at Lafayette will present Magical Mystery Halloween Festival at Shoppes at Lafayette on October 13th from 11 am to 5 pm. The rain date will be October 20th. In keeping with the mysterious holiday, the event will have psychics, holistic practitioners, favorite shopping vendors, a beer garden, and the magical and mystical. For further information, visit: www.facebook.com/events/269035180351658/
Mountain Creek Oktoberfest: On September 23 and 24, Mountain Creek, in Vernon, will again host what they deem, “the longest running Oktoberfest in the northeast.” The event will be held at Red Tail Lodge and is a weekend full of authentic German food, refreshing drinks, ive music, activities galore and a great time for adults and kids alike. The event will run on Saturday from 11 am to pm and on Sunday from 11 am to 8 pm capping off with fireworks. For information and tickets, visit: www.mountaincreek.com/activities-events/event-calendar/oktoberfest-0
Halloween 5K: On October 27, lace up your sneaks for the Newton Pride Halloween 5K Fun Run/Walk. There wil be chip timing to ensure accurate timekeeping, and the course will be marked by numerous cones, barricades, directional, safety signage and 3 water stops. The course runs mainly through scenic residential areas and starts at 9:30 am. For further information, visit: runsignup.com/Race/Events/NJ/Newton/NewtonPride5KStrideRunWalk
Haunted Hayride: Sussex County Community College will host a Haunted Hayride from 7 pm to 9 pm on October 27. Join community families for a theatrically scary hayride through the back woods of SCCC. Carnival booths and candy for children. Hosted by SGA and SCCC Student Clubs. The event is free and open to all.
Waterloo Village Fall Festival: The Waterloo Village Fall Festival will be held on October 27 from 11 am to 4 pm. Held in Stanhope, the event will feature a scavenger hunt for children (with prize), a free craft, ghost stories in the mule barn, house tours by Interpretive educators, food trucks, artisan vendors, demonstrations and free general admission with a nominal parking fee of $5. For information or to become a vendor, visit: <URL destination="http://www.facebook.com/events/214808405877938/ ">www.facebook.com/events/214808405877938/
</URL>Craft & Vendor Fair: On November 3, the Stillwater PTA will hold it's first annual Craft & Vendor Fair. For further information, please visit: www.facebook.com/events/282673785842285/
Sussex County Farmers Market: Every Sunday, until November, The Sussex County Farmers Market will be held at the Sussex County Fairgrounds from 9 am to 2 pm. The market offers all Jersey Fresh and Sussex County grown products. Let this market provide one stop shopping for fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, cheese, eggs, honey, breads and baked goods, cut flowers, jams and jellies, pickles, salsa, candles, fragrant goats milk soap, essential oils and more.
“The Market was founded in 2009 at the Sussex County Fairgrounds,” said Glen Vetrano who is integral in the market's existence. “What makes our Market unique is it’s indoors and allows us to be open during inclement weather. Because of that we often show case one of Sussex County’s famed Wildlife artists, Carol Decker. We market local produce and Value add Jersey Fresh products. We also feature local crafters & Music.”
Visit www.sussexfarmvisits.com/farmersmarket.htm for more information.
Sparta Farmers Market: The Sparta Farmers Market, which was founded in 2011, is held every Saturday at the back parking lot of the Sparta Health & Wellness Center. A host of vendors with all kinds of fresh herbs, vegetables, meat and even home made ice cream are on hand. A list of vendors at the market can be found on the website.
Said Mitch Morrison, the founder of the market, “We offer uncredible local musicians performing, and feature world-class cooking demonstrations. We have all certified organic, conventional and certified,naturally grown vegetables, granola, egg, and fruit. We offer all meets, honey, bread, muffins, pies, jellies, jams, microgreens, goats milk soap, flowers, cheese, soups and salads entrees. We make pizza on site and have home-made Greek specialties. We feature locallty sourced prepared meals and gourmet stuff breads. We have rare Mangalista bread pork and certified black Kombucha tea.”
Morrison added, “Our market is a happening. It's a central gathering place for everyone to slow down. Families and friends meet at the market take their time strolling and chatting with each other and the vendors. Grandparents walk their grandchildren through the market and there are couples holding hand strolling through.”
The fall market will end with the closing of the month of October, but then the market transitions to a winter market at the Hilltop Country Day School on November 3. For further information, visit: www.spartafarmersmarket.org/
Corn Maze Train: Looking for a day trip this fall? A short ride to Phillipsburg is worth its weight in rubies and sapphires. These are some of the gems you can find at a mine. Enjoy the Corn Maze Train, The Great Pumpkin Train (starting September 29),and there's also a Wine Train departing from Old Snyder Farm.
Said Chris Cotty, the VP and General Manager of the Delaware River Railroad Excursions, “We've been doing Susquehanna trips since 1998, then in 2004 moved to Phillipsburg. The Corn Maze Train goes down to a corn maze which has 5.7 miles of trails. This year, it's designed as fire truck and steam train. Adjacent is gem stone mine located on the side of a large, active quary. People can mine for gemstones including rubies and sapphires.”
He added “The Great Pumpkin Train is similar but we stop at a glade along the river that we've filled with pumpkins and every child gets to pick one out. As for the wine train, adults enjoy a beautiful journey along the scenic Delaware River. Visit to one of New Jersey's most beautiful Wineries. After a Train ride along the Delaware and a short bus ride through rolling farmlands, you will arrive at Villa Milagro Vineyards “
Delaware River Railroad Excursions is a 501C and all profits go to maintain railroad herritage and the historical society. Visit 877trainride.com/list.htm for further information.
Among other farms to visit for fall fun throughout the season include: Ideal Farms, in Lafayette, Heaven Hill Farms' Great Pumpkin Festivel, in Vernon, Lentini's Farm and Corn Maze in Fredon, and Tranquility Farm in Tranquility.