Contested races for state Senate, Assembly
SUSSEX COUNTY. Two candidates are running for one seat in the state Senate and four are vying for two seats in the Assembly in the Nov. 7 election.

With the retirements of state Sen. Steven Oroho and Assemblyman Hal Wirths, both R-24, no incumbents are seeking re-election Nov. 7.
Assemblyman Parker Space, R-24, is running for the state Senate seat along with Edmund Khanoo, a Democrat.
Four people are running for the two open Assembly seats: Sussex County Commissioner Dawn Fantasia and Chester Township Mayor Mike Inganamort, both Republicans; Baramdai “Alicia” Sharma, a Democrat; and Veronica Fernandez, an Independent.
Legislative District 24 includes all of Sussex County as well as Mount Olive, Roxbury, Chester Borough, Chester Township, Washington Township and Netcong in Morris County and Allamuchy and Independence in Warren County.
State Senate
Why are you running for the state Senate?
To effectively represent the constituents and make a difference by working with members on both sides of the aisle. Our current legislators in Legislative District 24 have failed or done very little for the constituents over the years and I aim to change that.
I believe that our government should be accountable, responsible, transparent and inclusive. We have underfunded schools; poor and inadequate infrastructure, which is unattractive to new business; young people cannot afford to access post-secondary education without incurring high debt; high taxes; environmental issues among others.
What are the top three things you aim to accomplish if elected?
Work with the Department of Education on public school formulae, for full funding and cost savings methods, to reduce school tax increase cap, thus avoiding property tax increase. Automatic enrollment from high school to community college and technical school tuition fee. Increase financial aid for state universities and student debt write off via internship programs. Incentivize companies to invest in New Jersey by cutting “red tape” and relaxing certain regulations to create a more business friendly environment with an educated workforce.
What makes you the best candidate for this position?
My experience in navigating complex business challenges will be invaluable in addressing the complexity of the political landscape. I am a critical thinker and am confident that my ability to analyze and solve problems efficiently will enable me to make informed decisions and effectively advocate for the needs of my constituents.
Additionally, my track record of success gives me the confidence to tackle the intricate dynamics of politics with determination and resilience.
Background and qualifications
Bachelor of Sciences degree in Business Management, Chartered Professional Accountant, Certified General Accountant, Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, Certified Forensic Accountant, Registered Forensic Investigator, member of the American Board of Forensic Accounting and Leadership Morris graduate, class of 2018. In April 2022, I received the NJBIZ Leaders in Finance award.
I am running with Baramdai “Alicia” Sharma, who is the Assembly candidate, and our campaign has received endorsements from the following organizations: Planned Parenthood, MOMS Demand Action, Everytown for Gun Safety, Health Professional & Allied Employees, ATF-AFL-CIO, Garden State Equality Action Fund, New Jersey Citizens Action and Service Employees International Union New Jersey.
Why are you running for the state Senate?
New Jersey needs legislators who live in the real world. I own a family business (Space Farms Zoo and Museum and Extreme Pizza in Wantage) and I am the only farmer who serves in the Legislature. I know what it is like to not only get my hands dirty but to meet a payroll, hire and fire, and make a living operating a seasonal business.
Too often legislators and bureaucrats make decisions without realizing the practical effect they will have on the average person or the average business owner and I use my real-world experience to try and make a difference for my constituents and be their voice.
For Northwest New Jersey, I want to continue the positive constituent services which the joint legislative office in District 24 under Sen. Steve Oroho, Assemblyman Hal Wirths and myself has provided to the residents here since 2008 when it was established. We have helped tens of thousands of people with various problems with state government as well as assisting our local governments and business owners.
In Trenton, I want to continue the job I started as an assemblyman to fight against the Murphy administration’s radical agenda and protect parental rights, medical freedom, and consumer choice to natural gas and the cars and pickup trucks they want to purchase.
What are the top three things you aim to accomplish if elected?
Lower Taxes. Reducing property taxes by revamping our school funding formula and giving school districts and local governments the tools to reduce spending. Reducing state taxes, such as income, corporate business and inheritance.
Passing a Parent’s Bill of Rights and using the Legislature’s power of executive branch oversight to repeal Murphy’s sex-ed standards and other controversial learning standards and radical education policies.
Stopping the clean energy mandates that will wreck New Jersey’s economy (bans on gas stoves, full electrification of buildings and banning gasoline-powered cars).
What makes you the best candidate for this position?
I have served the residents of District 24 in many capacities: more than 10 years in the state Legislature as one of the most conservative Assembly members there. I served as a Sussex County Freeholder and a Wantage Township Committeeman and mayor as well.
I know what it is like to govern a town and a county and with my years in the Legislature, I am keen to the problems that are here and knowledgeable on how to work with both the people here in the district and officials in Trenton to get things done.
Together with my experienced and energetic running mates for the Assembly, Commissioner Dawn Fantasia and Mayor Mike Inganamort, we will make an exciting team to work on behalf of the Sussex, Morris and Warren counties.
Background and qualifications
I have been an Assemblyman since March 2013. I am the Deputy Republican Whip and I currently serve on the Assembly Agriculture & Food Security Committee and the Assembly Labor Committee as well as the Assembly Republican Vice Chairman of the New Jersey Angling, Hunting and Conservation Caucus.
I served on the Sussex County Freeholder Board from June 2010 until taking the oath of office as an Assemblyman. I served on the Wantage Township Committee from 2004 to 2009 and was Mmayor three times.
I served on the board of directors for Sussex Rural Electric Co-op. I have been an active member of the Wantage Fire Department since 1989 and was the department’s chief in 2001 and 2002.
I was the elected Republican State Committeeman for Sussex County from 2009-2021 and serve as a Sussex County Republican Committeeman.
I am also a life member of the National Rifle Association, the New Jersey Farm Bureau, the Sussex County Chamber of Commerce, the National Federation of Independent Business and Newton Moose Lodge.
My running mates, Assembly candidates Dawn Fantasia and Mike Inganamort, and I have been endorsed by the New Jersey Policemen’s Benevolent Association, National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund, National Federation of Independent Business, New Jersey Right to Life State PAC, Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs PAC, New Jersey Outdoor Alliance, New Jersey Second Amendment Society, New Jersey Public Health Innovation PAC, Team Protect Your Children New Jersey, New Jersey State Building and Construction Trades Council, and SMART (International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers).
I have also been endorsed by the New Jersey State Nurses Association and Save the East Coast and was named a Parental Rights Champion and Recommended Candidate by the New Jersey Family Policy Center.
State Assembly
Why are you running for the state Assembly?
I am running to protect our beautiful northwest corner of New Jersey; I believe the preservation of our values and way of life is critical.
Under liberal one-party rule in Trenton, our state is on a path to both economic destruction and cultural ruin. Whether it’s rising taxes that drive out residents and jobs, extreme school curriculum that indoctrinates our children, or constant attacks on our right to bear arms and the right to life, we need conservative voices in Trenton who can fight back - and who can win.
What are the top three things you aim to accomplish if elected?
Address housing affordability and property taxes: New Jersey has the highest property taxes, the most unequal school funding, and some of the highest income and corporate taxes in the country. I will sponsor legislation on tax reduction, government transparency and the elimination of wasteful spending in order to lower property and state taxes.
Protect our right to keep and bear arms: As a lifetime NRA member and the victim of a gun crime, we must enact measures that do not stifle our constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms.
The Murphy administration inexplicably believes that by enacting more restrictions for law-abiding gun owners, illegal guns used to commit crimes will magically disappear. Instead, we must prohibit the pleading down of violent gun crimes to lesser offenses and stop turning dangerous criminals back out onto our streets.
Oppose Gov. Phil Murphy’s energy master plan: I do not support eliminating natural gas as an energy source; I am opposed to mandating the electrification of homes, businesses and automobiles.
This will come at a huge cost to homeowners/energy consumers and will cripple the state’s economy. I support voluntary programs that provide incentives to make energy efficiency improvements in housing.
What makes you the best candidate for this position?
I have a proven record of conservative results in elected office. For the past eight years, I have been honored to serve our community as a former Franklin Borough councilwoman/council president, former member of the Franklin Borough Zoning Board and Economic Development Committee, and as a current Sussex County commissioner serving my second term.
I have the experience necessary at both the municipal and county levels to express our needs in Trenton with fidelity.
Background and qualifications
I’ve been a fighter my whole life. As a single parent, I put myself through school, built a successful career, and won campaigns for both local and county office.
As a public charter school educator, I am a staunch advocate for parental rights and school choice.
I will be prepared on day one to be a voice for regular people just like me.
Why are you running for the state Assembly?
Our nation is in a state of confusion, chaos, anger and frustration. Everywhere we look there is something to be upset about.
I can think of no better place than our state Assembly to start making positive changes that better the lives of all our residents. I want our state to be the model of better governance that other states would want to follow.
I was born and raised in Sussex County and nothing would make me feel more determined than to get into office where I can actually do something to help this district that I love so much.
What are the top three things you aim to accomplish if elected?
1. I want to investigate, not each other, but exactly where our money is going. We are supposed to have “user friendly” budgets, but have you ever tried going into a New Jersey budget at any level to find how our money is spent? It’s almost impossible.
I want truly transparent budgets, where all incomes, expenses and vendors are itemized. We deserve to know how our money is being spent and who is getting it. I will report back to our residents on a weekly basis the progress I have made.
2. Electoral reform, for crying out loud! Campaign finance reform has always been front and center at all my attempts at running for office.
If you want to see who is benefiting from legislation, just look at who is financing our “representatives.” Bob Menendez is a perfect example of why we need to clean up how candidates get their money.
I also fiercely support eliminating the “county line” on New Jersey ballots. This deters good people from running for office and prevents elected officials from voting in the best interest of constituents because party leadership (both sides) will threaten them with being primaried or remove them from the line completely. This is at the root of corruption in our country.
I want to end gerrymandering and I support voter ID.
3. I want to expose how legislation is handled in our state. I think there should be single-issue items to be voted on, no more packaging or allowing “perks” into proposals.
I would also work for a ballot initiative here in New Jersey for electoral reform issues only. Right now, the only way to change anything in this state is through the Legislature. A ballot initiative will allow the residents of New Jersey to put an issue on the ballot and vote on it if our legislators are not voting in our best interest. We can have policy that reflects public opinion!
What makes you the best candidate for this position?
I am by far the best candidate because I am an Independent and not beholden to either party. I do not have to answer to leadership or more importantly their donors. I answer only to the people of our district.
I have no interest in power or personal gain. I just want us to be better. I wish there was a way to show how much I truly care, words are not sufficient, but I can guarantee you, no one will work harder to get to the bottom of what is going on and do everything in my power to fix it.
Background and qualifications
As I said, I was born and raised in Sussex County. I have lived in Long Valley now for 20 years which was recently gerrymandered into Legislative District 24 and I saw a chance to represent the area I never want to leave.
I have been married for 30 years to my husband, Mike, a Navy veteran, and we have two adult children, one dog and two cats.
I was a licensed property/casualty (including health) insurance underwriter here in New Jersey for 20 years.
Just to go off on a tangent, many of us are upset about our property taxes, of which the majority by far, often more than 70 percent, are for the school portion. Of that 70 percent, billions are for health insurance premiums for teachers, administrators, etc. Did you know the average teacher salary in New Jersey is approximately $66,000, but the family insurance premium for a teacher is more than $30,000?
What we taxpayers pay for health insurance is ridiculous, and what does health care have to do with the maintenance and protection of our property anyway?
What we pay at the state and federal levels is even higher! I know insurance inside and out and we can do so, so much better. While working as an underwriter, I underwrote insurance for everything from landscapers to municipalities and Boards of Education.
My husband and I have successfully run a small commercial electrical contractor firm for nearly 20 years. I know how business works and the needs of business!
I just turned 64 and am semi-retired and I have the time, ability and passion to put all my energy into this job. It would be a dream job for me.
There are two open slots for Assembly on our ballots. If you are a Republican, you can vote for one Republican and one vote for me. If you are a Democrat, you can vote for one Democrat and one vote for me. And if you are an Independent, you finally have a candidate!
How about showing your party you are fed up and let New Jersey be the first to work together to send an Independent to our Assembly. Take a stand and get some real representation!
Why are you running for the state Assembly?
I am running for the Assembly because state government has lost touch with reality. Gov. Phil Murphy and Democrats in the Legislature continue to crush New Jerseyans with higher taxes, causing many to leave our state.
The reckless spending is plunging New Jersey further into debt. And on two fronts - education and energy - the Murphy administration is prioritizing ideology over academics and affordable energy, respectively. We need a conservative check and balance on one-party rule in Trenton, and I will be a strong voice on behalf of taxpayers.
What are the top three things you aim to accomplish if elected?
In the Assembly, I will work to make New Jersey more affordable for residents to stem the flow of outmigration, specifically lowering personal income tax rates across the board and eliminating the marriage penalty and inheritance tax.
I’ll work to reduce our highest-in-the-nation corporate business taxes and make it more attractive for employers to keep good-paying jobs here.
And I’ll work to repeal Gov. Murphy’s extreme school curriculum standards.
What makes you the best candidate for this position?
As a mayor, I see firsthand New Jersey’s punishing attitude toward small towns and the property taxpayers who foot the bill. Not a week goes by without a new state mandate, resulting in towns cutting local services in order to fund a more bloated state government.
As a father of three young children, I take personally the effort to include mature topics in the curriculum of children who cannot reliably tie their shoes.
Background and qualifications
The basics: 39 years old; wife, Lauren; three young daughters.
I’m proud to serve as Chester Township’s mayor, having served previously on the council, as council president and as a member of the Planning Board.
I grew up in Sparta, served on the Republican County Committee from Sparta, met and married my wife in Sparta, and baptized our oldest of three children in Sparta.
My experience also includes serving as a longtime adviser to Congressman Scott Garrett and at the Department of Interior during the Bush Administration.
I attended American University and received my master’s degree from Georgetown University. I am a consultant to businesses and nonprofits in New Jersey and was recently named to NJBIZ’s “40 Under 40” list of business leaders.
I am proud to be running on a ticket with proven conservatives Parker Space for Senate and Dawn Fantasia for Assembly.
Why are you running for the state Assembly?
I am running for a seat in the New Jersey state Assembly because I believe in the power of public service and the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of New Jersey residents.
As a resident of this state, I have witnessed both its challenges and its potential. By running for political office, I aim to contribute my skills, experiences and fresh perspectives to address pressing issues, such as education reform, economic growth and environmental sustainability.
What are the top three things you aim to accomplish if elected?
Education reform. Gov. PhilMurphy has made great strides in increasing funding for public schools but more needs to be done to fully fund our public schools.
I would also advocate for automatic enrollment from high school to community college and technical school for our students who do not wish to pursue a traditional four-year degree.
I also believe that we need to attract and retain qualified and experienced teachers with equitable pay, support their professional development, and offer student loan forgiveness after they achieve tenure.
Economic growth and infrastructure. Support small businesses, farmers, entrepreneurship, broadband access, road, bridges, public transportation options, green infrastructure, etc.
Environmental sustainability. Climate change, flood mitigation, preserve open space and forestry, etc.
What makes you the best candidate for this position?
As a candidate for the New Jersey state Assembly, I bring a winning combination of a diverse background and a passion for community service.
Drawing on my experience in both public and private sectors, I have the ability to strike a balance between personal and state interests.
My skills in working with all stakeholders to develop innovative solutions will enable me to effectively address the pressing issues facing our district and advocate for positive change at the state level.
My accounting background equips me with a distinctive viewpoint. I possess an in-depth comprehension of financial management and fiscal responsibility, essential traits necessary for effective budget management and informed tax policy decisions.
Moreover, my proficiency in analyzing financial data and identifying opportunities for cost savings will enable me to champion responsible spending and ensure the efficient utilization of taxpayer funds.
Background and qualifications
I have been a resident of New Jersey for almost a decade, married with six children, have a bachelor degree in accounting and a master in business administration (MBA).
I currently serve my community as a trustee for the library board, a member of the environmental commission and a former member of the recreation advisory committee.
I am running with Edmund Khanoo, who is the Senate candidate, and our campaign has received endorsements from the following organizations: Planned Parenthood, MOMS Demand Action, Everytown for Gun Safety, Health Professional & Allied Employees, ATF-AFL-CIO, Garden State Equality Action Fund, New Jersey Citizens Action and Service Employees International Union New Jersey.