A toy collection train arrives Saturday, Dec. 14 in Vernon. The train also stopped in Sparta and Newfoundland. (Photo by Maria Kovic)

Santa greets the crowd in Vernon. (Photo by Maria Kovic)

New bikes and other donated toys are lined up to be loaded on the train. They will be distributed to underprivileged children by the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve’s Toys for Tots Foundation. (Photo by Maria Kovic)

Dan and Tom Nizolak of Sparta check out a Toys for Tots helicopter. (Photo by Maria Kovic)

Bill and Pat Dermody of Sparta pose with Santa. (Photo by Maria Kovic)

A model train set up by the Sussex County Railroad Club. (Photo by Maria Kovic)

A crowd waits for the arrival of a toy collection train Saturday, Dec. 14 in Vernon. (Photo by Maria Kovic)

The train arrives Saturday, Dec. 14 in Vernon. (Photo by John Benson)

Santa greets the crowd. (Photo by Maria Kovic)

Donated toys are ready to be loaded on the train. (Photo by Maria Kovic)

Lucas Hartmann-Neistadt of Vernon. (Photo by Maria Kovic)

(Photo by Maria Kovic)

Silas Ortiz of Vernon sits on Santa’s lap. (Photo by Maria Kovic)

Keira and Alivia Freykar of Wantage pose with Santa. (Photo by Maria Kovic)

Vernon Township High School band members entertain the waiting crowd. (Photo by John Benson)

The Vernon Fire Department hangs a large American flag at the train crossing. (Photo by John Benson)
Operation Toy Train collected 44,191 toys this year - the most it has collected in a single season in its 16 years.
The 21,749 toys collected Saturday, Dec. 14 were the most collected in a single day.
The stops that day included Newfoundland, Sparta and Vernon. In Sparta, 2,543 toys were collected. There were 1,160 toys donated in Newfoundland and 543 in Vernon.
The project also had the most locations this year: 52 stops in 48 cities in five states. All but two of the repeat runs saw an increase in donations from last year.
Ten railroads were involved in collecting donated toys for the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve’s Toys for Tots Foundation, which will distribute them to underprivileged children.