Same fair, less loud and bright
AUGUSTA. The sensory-free carnival section on Children’s Day offers a break to those who are sensitive to sensory stimulation.

With so much to see and do at the New Jersey State Fair, it’s easy for visitors to become overstimulated.
On Children’s Day, Tuesday, Aug. 8, fair planners arranged for a break from the lights and sounds from noon to 2 p.m., creating a sensory-free carnival section.
Joan Smith, president of the Sussex County Farm and Horse Show, introduced the idea of a sensory-free area last year. With a background in special education, she understood that some children have difficulty processing sensory stimulation and she wanted to create a safe space for them to enjoy the fair like everyone else.
At first glance, the fair looked the same during those hours as on any other day, with all the same attractions running. But the carnival was far less loud and bright.
All the lights and noise that usually fill the fair were turned off so the rides and games could be enjoyed without being stressful to anyone with a sensitivity to sensory stimulation.
Many parents and children in attendance did not realize that a sensory-free day was being offered, but they appreciated the reprieve from the usual sights and sounds when they arrived.
Rose Novaky, 19, and her mother said they found the carnival area to be overstimulating because of the crowds so they enjoyed the fact that it was quieter than it would have been on an average day.
When asked if she liked the lights and sounds being turned off, Novaky said, “Very much.” “There is a little less brain-rattling.”
Kathleen Staab of Wantage said not only children struggle with sensory issues. Since suffering a brain injury several years ago, she has found overstimulation difficult to handle.
“When I get to places where there’s so much of that, it is hard.”
She did not have to worry during the sensory-free time. “This is much more pleasant,” she noted.
Smith said the sensory-free time at the fair went very well this year.
“We only received positive comments in person and on social media. We appreciated Reithoffer Carnivals for helping out and offering rides for our other-abled patrons,” she said.