Talking to Six Gun Sally

| 25 Jun 2024 | 04:21

Stefani M.C. Janelli talks to the classic and Southern rock band Six Gun Sally before its performance at 1 p.m. Sunday, June 30 at the 14th annual Rock, Ribs and Ridges Festival at the Sussex County Fairgrounds.

Question: Six Gun Sally is a seven-piece group that pays homage to classic bands of the 1970s. How did the band start, and how did you all meet?

Answer: We are a group of musicians, stage performers and road warriors that either live in the same or nearby towns and have run in the same circles for years, playing at local venues or with bands from the area.

Forming the group just came out of our love for writing, recording and performing vintage classic and Southern rock music as a shared passion and mutual bond. The band cultivated itself over the past several years.

Q: Who would you say are your biggest musical influences? Have they changed throughout the years?

A: As seasoned musicians, individual performers and instrumentalists, we bring different ingredients (talents) to the table. That’s what gives Six Gun Sally “spice” and musical attitude.

Audiences will hear undertones of Lynyrd Skynyrd, the Allman Brothers, Molly Hatchet, Janis Joplin, Led Zeppelin, Heart and Fleetwood Mac - maybe even Kansas and Bon Jovi or some Confederate Railroad and Kentucky Headhunters depending upon the storyline, the vibe of the songs and who’s singing lead.

Q: Which song would you say is your favorite to play together? Is it the same for everybody or different?

A: It’s 100 percent different for each and every one of us, and it’s probably because of vocal and instrumental highlights, melody and instrumentation structures. One of us might like “Fast Train” or “Backwards” (two originals that we’re releasing this summer and fall), and other band members might lean toward “Long Gone” or “Redneck of the Woods.”

Q: Together you’ve released an album in 2021, followed by three singles and a Christmas tune. How would you describe your original music? How does it differ from the cover songs you play?

A: Six Gun Sally is kind of unique in that we have both a female and a male lead singer that take the lead to perform/record a song. Having both a female and male lead singer gives us the ability to shape the song or recording around his or her vocal texture and range, which in turn makes each recording a standout. Our music can travel down an old country road or roll wide open screaming down the highway with dirty guitar licks and a drum beat that pounds into the heart.

Q: Six Gun Sally loves to tour and plays about 65 dates a year. What’s your favorite part about being on the road?

A: We’re like family. Being on the road strengthens not only our creative energy but the bond and friendships that we share. Being on the road ultimately leads to our final destination and that’s to perform in front of our fans. There’s nothing like seeing their smiling faces shining, seeing them sing songs back at us, lighting up their phones, and just letting their hair down to have fun and enjoy what we do. We try to “bring it” to every show to make it an experience for each and every one in the audience.

Q: Do you have a favorite venue or city to perform?

A: That’s a tough one. Six Gun Sally has toured all over the country. We have a lot of favorite stages and have had great experiences at some of the largest venues and then the most quaint amphitheaters. It’s always nice to play at “home,” at the Monongahela (Pa.) Aquatorium.

Q: On Sunday, you’ll be performing at the 14th annual Rock, Ribs and Ridges Festival at the Sussex County Fairgrounds. What are you most looking forward to?

A: Pairing rock music and ribs - what’s not to like?

Q: There are going to be 10 other bands at the festival, including New Jersey legend Southside Johnny and Southern rock favorite the Outlaws. Is there anyone or any band you’re looking forward to meeting or hearing?

A: We’ve got long-running relationships with a number of the band members on the festival’s roster. Sometimes, a festival like this feels like “old home week” and it’s nice to see our friends in music. But the reality is, we don’t have the luxury to visit with any amount of quality time. It’s more like a fist bump or a quick hug between hopping on and off stage and then boarding the bus to get to the next show.

Q: What songs can we expect to hear?

A: Sometimes, we don’t know what the set list will look like and we pull it out of our hats! We like to read the room (the audience). We may have a set list created but change direction based on the audience’s energy and response. Folks will hear Six Gun Sally originals (“Let’s Take A Ride”/”Long Gone”) and some tunes from Allman Brothers, Fleetwood Mac, the Eagles and even some Eddie Rabbit (we just recorded the cover of “Drivin’ My Life Away”). You gotta see it to hear it. We’ll see you when we get there.