Woodruff to give painting demonstration today

NEWTON. The Sussex County Art Society is hosting the watercolor demonstration at the Hampton Community Center.

Newton /
| 13 Apr 2023 | 11:24

The Sussex County Art Society is hosting a watercolor demonstration by professional artist Barbara Woodruff of Andover.

The public is welcome to view the demonstration at noon Thursday, April 13 at the Hampton Community Center, 1 Rumsey Way, Newton.

The Sussex County Art Society regularly meets on the second Thursday of the month.

Woodruff is an accomplished artist in many media, from the traditional oils, acrylics and watercolor to printmaking, plaster casting, graphic art, wood carving and marble sculpture.

After graduating from the Ridgewood School of Art, she taught watercolor and oil painting privately and judged shows.

She was the owner of The Gallery LTD in Newton in the 1970s. There she did picture framing, taught classes to adults and children, and held art shows for local artists.

For the past 30 years, she has owned and operated The Floral Design Group, a wedding and event florist.

While living in Florida for 3½ years, she was a very active member of the Florida Watercolor Society, North Tampa Art League, Florida Suncoast Watercolor Society and Coalition of Hispanic Artists.

She was named Elite American Artist for 2015 in the International Women’s Leadership Association and is a VIP member of the National Association of Professional Women.

Woodruff is retired and doing what she loves best: painting and being part of the art community.

She is a member of the Sussex County Art Society and the Sussex County Arts and Heritage Council.

The Sussex County Art Society has served artists in Sussex County since 1964. Besides inviting guest artists to demonstrate in various media at its monthly meetings, members also hold informal critiquing sessions at which suggestions to improve a member’s painting are made.

Members exhibit their artwork in the municipal buildings of Lafayette, Frankford and Hampton townships.

Funding for their demonstrations has been made available in part by the NJ State Council on the Arts, a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, through the State/County Partnership Block Grant Program, as administered by the Sussex County Arts and Heritage Council.