100-year-old grandmA is a cover girl
Vernon resident Christine Von Oesen’s grandmother Elsa Brehm Hoffmann is the subject of a new book written by Von Oesen’s sister, Sharon Texter-Black, called “Elsa’s Own Blue Zone - America’s Centenarian Sweetheart’s Insights for Positive Aging and Living,” Textor-Black, who previously lived in Orange County, N.Y. and now lives in south Florida, shares the philosophies she learned from her grandmother - a woman who became a national celebrity at 100. “Elsa’s Own Blue Zone is about Elsa and her long successful life in modern America, citing real life examples to help you do the same despite adversities we all face,” Textor-Black said. At 101, Hoffmann still drives, does her own banking, and is out and about daily. Von Oesen spoke with pride about her grandmother, calling her a “wonderful, vibrant woman.” For more information, visit www.elsasownbluezone.com and www.adlercentenarians.org.