3 running for 2 council seats in Franklin

FRANKLIN. Two incumbents are among the three candidates in the Republican primary.

| 26 May 2024 | 05:42

Three Republicans are running for two Borough Council seats in the June 4 primary: incumbents Gilbert Snyder and Rachel Heath as well as Patricia Carnes.

Snyder has served seven terms. Heath was elected in 2021 after retiring from her job as Franklin’s clerk/administrator.

No Democrats have filed to run in the general election in November.

Here are the candidates’ statements:


Why are you running for the Borough Council?

I can bring a fresh view on both concerns and opportunities for all residents.

We need to promote the borough and look forward. I feel that we are at “A New Beginning” for bringing in new and supporting existing businesses and what those businesses can do for Franklin.

What are the top three things you aim to accomplish if elected?

1) Fiscal responsibility: This is always important but with the current state of the economy, this is even more critical. While some costs are unavoidable, I want to make certain what is spent is appropriate.

2) Prioritization: There is always a list of items that need to be addressed and I want to look at the priority hand in hand with the costs.

3) Businesses: I want to ensure that new businesses that are trying to open are not faced with unnecessary restrictions or bottlenecks.

What makes you the best candidate for this position?

I am a regular attendee of council meetings and have attended Planning Board meetings.

I am a member of the Recreation Committee, currently serving as chairwoman and previously served as co-chairwoman.

I am also a member of the Economic Development Committee where I previously held the positions of both chairwoman and co-chairwoman.

Through these committees I have associations with borough employees, members of our public safety, community organizations, businesses and the public.

With all of this and my personal work experience, I feel this makes me the best candidate.

Background and qualifications.

I have lived in Franklin for 15 years with my husband, Todd. I have three adult stepchildren.

I received a bachelor’s degree in business from the University of Phoenix and have a 25+-year career in pharmaceutical managed markets finance with experience in finance, contracts, projects and auditing/compliance.


Why are you running for the Borough Council?

I would like to continue working with the mayor and council on the important issues that affect the residents of Franklin Borough..

What are the top three things you aim to accomplish if elected?

1) Municipal budget: Continue to work with the council exploring cost savings for the taxpayers as well as water- and sewer-payers. With the due diligence of the administration and the Borough Council, there was a zero tax increase for the residents this year.

2) Personnel: Continue the ongoing open dialogue with the administrator and the borough employees for a better work environment.

3) Public safety: The Borough Council and the Police Department are working together to enhance the quality of life for the borough residents.

What makes you the best candidate for this position?

I believe my experience as a former borough employee and council member for the past three years helps clarify the issues that come before the council.

Background and qualifications.

I have lived in Franklin Borough for 46 years. Like many Franklin residents, I moved here with my late husband, Tom, to raise our four children.

After retiring from my position as Franklin borough clerk/administrator, I have continued to volunteer my time advocating for those in need.

If elected, I will continue to be a voice for every Franklin resident and will continue to bring an experienced perspective to all issues and opportunities alike.


Why are you running for the Borough Council?

I am running for the Franklin Borough Council to continue working with members to help serve the town.

There are many committees that have worked hard on projects and getting completed.

We are all looking out for the best interest for the taxpayer and focusing on public safety, which will always be part of what is needed to help a small town like ours.

What are the top three things you aim to accomplish if elected?

The top three things I am to accomplish if re-elected are revitalizing Main Street, keeping business friendly and wasteful spending.

What makes you the best candidate for this position?

I feel I am the best candidate for the position because of experience. I have been part of the council for 21 years, doing my best to make Franklin safe and affordable to live in.

I feel after serving and learning on committees like personnel, negotiation, finance and public safety can only justify my re-election to the council.

Background and qualifications.

I am a lifelong resident of Franklin for 69 years.

I am married to my wife, Cindy, and have two children and four grandchildren.

I graduated from Franklin High School in 1973, then went on to attend Lakeland College and County Collège of Morris, where I studied criminal justice.

I have coached youth football and baseball in the town of Franklin for many years.

I was a police officer for 27 years, retiring as a sergeant. I then went on to be a superintendent at Sussex County Weights and Measures and coordinator of risk management from 2002 to 2008.

I have served two terms on the Franklin Board of Education.

I am an exempt member of the Franklin Fire Department and current member of the Exempt Association. I am also a SAL member of the Franklin American Legion.

CORRECTION: The number of terms that Gilbert Snyder has served on Borough Council was incorrect in an earlier version of this article.