Adopt a Sussex County High School Senior for graduation
Vernon. Residents can “adopt” graduating seniors by connecting with their parents to send encouragement through cards, gifts, and favorite snacks.
The "Adopt a Sussex County High School Senior" Facebook Group was created to support and congratulate members of the Class of 2020. Residents can "adopt" graduating seniors by connecting with their parents or guardians to send them encouragement through cards, gifts, and favorite snacks.
“It's a positive way to bring our communities in Sussex County together, promoting love and kindness,” say the organizers, Rebecca Mancini and Janie Carson. So far there are more than 2,000 members.
Here are the rules:
1. A parent posts a few photos of their senior with a bio.
2. A person posts that they’d like to adopt the student.
3. The parent updates the bio as “adopted” and messages the person who has agreed to adopt their senior. They will arrange a meeting spot for the gift presentation, observing social distancing rules.
“Get as creative as you’d like,” say the organizers. “It doesn’t have to be expensive.”
The adoptions are underway now through June 20.
“We are helping graduates shine, and they deserve it!” the organizers say. “They worked hard and each one of the graduates has an inspiring story. They aren't letting this situation keep them from dreaming and achieving their future goals. Let’s share the love!”