Boy Scout Franklin Troop 90 visits Washington DC
FRANKLIN — Franklin Troop 90 took a trip to Washington DC for their monthly outing.
Multiple historical stops were made on Friday which included tours of the White House, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, as well as Arlington National Cemetery. While at Arlington on Friday, they observed the ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. At 3 p.m., four of the scouts participated in the ceremony at the Tomb where a wreath was replaced with one provided by their troop.
On Saturday, they visited the Capital Mall where scouts visited the various Smithsonian Museums (Air and Space, American History, Natural History, Holocaust Museum, etc). On Saturday night, they took a guided bus tour of the City which included the Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, US Capitol, Iwo Jima Memorial, White House, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, MLK Memorial and FDR Memorial.
During the trip, the troop packed on the go lunch and brought day packs with them to get around the city. At night they would meet and have dinner at a location in the city as a group. During the trip the boys gained experience with the Inner City environment, using the mass transit system, and general orientation of the a metro area with street maps.
If interested in joining scouting, call Scoutmaster Gary Hintzen on 973-827-3194.