Hi-jinks at High Point graduation
| 18 Jun 2012 | 05:15

With diploma in hand, Paul Derrin does a barefoot dance.

Kelsey Stoll is ready to fly.

Graduate Maeghan Makenzie is all smiles.

Ismail Lambros

Taylor Welsh begins a carthwheel to mark her graduation from High Point High. Photos by Nicholas Ortiz

Taylor Welsh, cartwheel in progress.

Taylor Welsh

Caps fly speckling the air at High Point Reginal High.

Cheyenne Wagner with Stehanie Currid during the graduation ceremonies at High Point Regional High.

Graduates assembled on the field
WANTAGE The sun was shining Saturday morning on the 2012 graduating class at High Point Regional High School as the senior class celebrated the culmination of their public school career. After receiving diplomas, many of the students showed just how happy they were by dancing, leaping and in one spirited case performing a cartwheel.
Photos by Nicholas Ortiz For more go to advertisernewsnorth.com