High Point students 'fill the bus'
Wantage. All of High Point Regional High School students participated in a school-wide "Fill the Bus" event to benefit community food pantries.

Even in what might have been the coldest day of the year, those High Point Wildcats could not be stopped from completing their mission to “Fill the Bus!”
All 864 students, barring an absence from school, participated in the assembly line of moving goods to the bus parked outside.
Two lines of students formed facing one another, originating from the cafeteria where all the food was laid out on tables. Hand over hand, students passed items down the hallway, around the corridor, up the steps to the bus. Students cheered and encouraged each other. “Faster,” “Don’t drop it!” “You’re killing it!” could be heard from many students as they passed food down the hallway onto the bus.
Local area schools have a healthy competition to see who can fill the bus with the most food. High Point, having won the competition 2 years in a row, was on a mission to uphold the tradition. Winners will be announced in Spring 2020.
Jeffrey Parrot, County Clerk and his wife Lisa Parrot are very involved in the community food pantry. Jeffrey Parrot said,
“Many local schools participate in this type of event," Jeffrey Parrot said. "Since we have started, we have also gained more private donors. All donations are from very generous people in the state.”
In addition to giving accolades to his wife, Parrot mentioned that Rita Oroho also works very hard running the day to day operations.
Joan Bruseo, Director at the Sussex County Division of Social Services, said,
“High Point students do such a great job," said Joan Bruseo, Director at the Sussex County Division of Social Services, said. "They have won a couple times now. Everyone lines up and is involved in some way.”