Highland Lakes observes Memorial Day

A large group attended the 19th annual Memorial Day observance on the lawn of the Highland Lakes Clubhouse on May 27.
Sponsored by the Highland Lakes Senior Club, club president Joyce Healy acted as Mistress of Ceremonies.
Pastor Michael Rojas of the Christ Community Church in Highland Lakes gave a stirring invocation and talk about the importance of the holiday. The clergyman’s invocation touched on the fact that it is a blessed opportunity to remember those who fought for freedom and security, making the ultimate sacrifice.
In his speech, Pastor Rojas reminded the group that our heroes came from many walks of life, educational levels and many ethnicities, all stepping up to fight tyranny and evil while defending humanity. Average individuals demonstrating above average heroism. Also recalled was the proclamation signed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1955 that declared Memorial Day a holiday and a nationwide day of prayer for permanent peace.
After recognizing veterans of every armed service with flags and an armed forces medley, Healy spoke briefly of the role of women and today’s increasing role of women in the military. A solemn presentation and concluding of the ceremony had musician Rick Savage playing Taps.