Little ones show parents how creative they can be
Stanhope. It was the first time since the pandemic started that parents were able to visit Our Savior Nursery School. The children worked on a replication of the church for its 50th anniversary and did their own interpretation of “The Very Hungry Caterpillar.”

The beauty of the Our Savior Nursery School Art Gala, said director Colleen DeVito, is that it lets families see the progression over the years, according to the children’s ages.
The little ones are still learning to make scribbles and use finger paints, she said.
“We’re not quite sure what they are, but they know what they are,” DeVito said. The children then move their way up to free form art and then to instructional art.
The show on May 7 was the school’s third annual event, and an extra-special one. For one thing, this year is the school’s 50th anniversary. For another, it’s a welcome respite after a pandemic year.
“We are just so happy to be able to have it under the circumstances,” DeVito said. “It is really amazing. The students did it all. We mounted it.”
Rooms and halls were filled with pre-K and toddler art, each with a purpose reflecting the school’s creative curriculum and dedicated teachers.
One wall showcased the pre-K students’ replication of the entire church in celebration of the 50th anniversary. DeVito said their teacher, Kim Smith, a graphic design artist, designed the church with mathematical precision and drew it. The students then all colored it.
In addition, DeVito said, the kids completed the project during their building study, based on the curriculum.
She said it was a beautiful way for parents to really see their curriculum at work. The exhibit showed parents that art is a process, not a product. Then she said, “You are going to love upstairs.”
The children chose to re-illustrate “The Very Hungry Caterpillar,” which reflected the emphasis on process. Their caterpillar ate its way through the sanctuary, made a cocoon, and became a beautiful butterfly.
Some of the three-year-olds posed proudly by the apple, sun, and caterpillar they helped paint. They were excited that their parents got to see their paintings on display.
Kathy Molinari, the office manager, said events like the art gala cannot happen without the dedication of the teachers. They come up with the ideas and follow through on them, she said. And the pictures prove the fun the children are having.
Molinari said, because of Covid-19 protocols, it was the first time some of the parents had been in the building.
Parents and grandparents also praised the wonderful teachers, and how they nurture the children to bring all of their creativity out.
They said their children kept talking about “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” — and now they know why.
“It is really amazing. The students did it all.” Director Colleen DeVito