Mayor says car wash could stabilize sewer rates, land use board will review

Vernon. The Vernon Township Council on June 28 unanimously agreed to send a redevelopment plan for a long-vacant property to the Land Use Board for review.
Mayor Howard Burrell said a resident wants to build a car wash at 8 Theta Drive, which falls inside the Town Center zone. However, a car wash is not among the uses permitted in the Town Center.
“In order for this development to become a reality, the council must approve a redevelopment plan for this long-time vacant lot,” Burrell said.
He said Vernon is probably the only town with a population of near 25,000 without a car wash. He said car wash would be a welcome customer for the township’s sewer system and help stabilize sewer rates for its users.
Township planner Jessica Caldwell has completed the lot’s redevelopment plan. The property owner needs the same kind of approval the council recently gave to the D&S Mall property for the Circle K project.
It is the second redevelopment plan Burrell has asked the council to approve in the last 11 months.
The next Land Use Board meeting is scheduled for July 14. No agenda was available at press time.