Mosquitos detected with West Nile Virus in Stanhope
Stanhope. Sussex County was to complete spraying for infected mosquitoes last week, as long as the weather permitted.

Borough Administrator Brian McNeilly reported, at the Stanhope Council meeting, Sept. 14, that mosquitoes were detected with the West Nile Virus in Stanhope by the Sussex County Office of Mosquito Control.
Spraying was to be completed last week, weather permitting.
In other business
Stanhope Pedestrian Loop: McNeilly said they are making good progress on the Stanhope Pedestrian Loop.
Sparta Road: McNeilly said they will need to complete some cuts at night for cross-trenches. He added, the work would be done at night in order to avoid the school schedule and rush-hour.
Philips 66 Gas station: McNeilly warned the council that the gas station has a list of improvements to complete, unrelated to the fire, before its Temporary Certificate of Occupancy ends at the end of Sept. Engineering and the town have been there to help, he said, but they can only do so much.
Lloyd Ave.: The council unanimously approved going forward with an agreement with the county using available capital for Lloyd Ave.
Pedestrian Loop Phase 2 Project: The council unanimously authorized a change order for electrical work on light fixtures.
Recreation Commission resignation: The council unanimously accepted the resignation of Carmen Pico from the Recreation Commission.
Recreation Commission appointment: The council unanimously accepted the appointment of Jennifer Diletto to the Recreation Commission.