Ogdensburg bans all cannabis commerce
Ogdensburg. A municipality that prohibits any or all of six categories of commerce can always adopt another ordinance to allow some in the future.
| 18 Jul 2021 | 10:34

The Ogdensburg Council unanimously passed an ordinance prohibiting any class of cannabis business in the borough.
Councilman Alfonse DeMeo was absent from the July 12 meeting and public hearing.
New Jersey voters approved legal recreational marijuana by a wide margin last November.
Unless a municipality adopts an ordinance by Aug. 21 to either prohibit or regulate the six categories of land uses — cannabis growing, manufacturing, distribution, packaging, retail sales, and delivery — the municipality loses its authority to adopt an ordinance affecting those uses for the next five years.
However, a municipality that prohibits any or all of these categories can always adopt another ordinance to allow some in the future.
Parks and Recreation: Councilman George Hutnick said the borough will go forward with the Parks and Recreation Committee, which will be a borough-oriented committee that organizes community and senior citizen events. Borough attorney Robert McBriar said the idea will be formalized with an ordinance. He said Councilman Michael Nardini proposed the committee be called the Community and Cultural Events Committee, in accordance with the mayor’s direction.
French drain: Councilman Nardini said the French drain at the corner of Glenbrook Road and Thomas Place should be completed in the next couple of months.
Lifeguard shack: Councilman Nardini said the Department of Public Works painted the sidewalls of the guard shack and would apply clear epoxy to seal off the walls. The DPW already had the epoxy used, he said.
Water treatment operator: The council unanimously approved updating and advertising the request for proposals for the water treatment operator position.
Fire marshal and zoning officer: Council President Rachel Slater said Mayor Hutnick organized a meeting with the state to take over fire marshal and zoning officer duties in the borough. The council will update its ordinance to identify the state as the enforcing agency. Additionally, Slater said, there will be two parts to penalties collected: one will go to the state and the other to Ogdensburg. The Ogdensburg penalty will be used by the fire department to buy equipment. The state will issue bonfire permits and do inspections.
Family Fun Day: The fire department will host Family Fun Day, sponsored by the Sterling Hill Mining Museum, on Oct. 9, with a rain date of Oct. 10. Council President Slater said there will be: vendors, small rides, blowups, games, and bands. A liquor license will go to a local business.