Ogdensburg plans to replace water pipe
OGDENSBURG — Councilman Peter Opilla gave status of the Beardslee Hill Road water line on Nov. 28.
in order to verify easements before replacing pipe, he will contact the engineer to interpret a 1962 Ogdensburg/Franklin line easement map. The map only shows longitude and latitude lines, not addresses.
The estimated labor cost for the 350 feet of pipe is between $20,000 to $30,000, not including engineering costs.
Opilla said, currently they plan to move the line over a little from houses. The main currently travels from Main St., down the hill, and underneath the corner of a Beardslee Hill Road residence.
Council President George Hutnick suggested another method which would go around the corner of the property.
Mayor Steve Ciasullo commented, if the borough has easements, it would be easier and simpler.
Officials will continue working on possible options.
Regarding Heater's Pond Dam, Ciasullo said, they are waiting for the state to issue the permit. About a month ago, the borough filled out and submitted the paperwork
After they receive dates from the state, Ciasullo said, engineering will work backwards, get the specificationss; and the borough will complete the bidding process.
The engineer told Ciasullo the borough may still be required to answer four state questions sent previously in a letter.
Councilman David Astor said Borough Attorney Richard Brigliadoro drafted the proposal changing the Global Waste Contract, and Astor is waiting for signature. Currently, he said, Ogdensburg is paying Global a per diem charge.
Councilman Robert McGuire said there is because the fees will increase in the new contract, “There's no rush.”
After officials discussed the “Passaic Avenue Bridge” completion date of July, Astor offered to contact the state to see if it could be finished earlier.
Hutnick detailed why the county could finish the bridge before July and commented, “They did Franklin in six weeks.”
Ciasullo said, they just need the bridge finished in time for the school routes.