Ogdensburg sets cleanup day for pond
Ogdensburg. The Ogdensburg Borough Council has approved Heater's Pond cleanup day for May 16 and Councilwoman Brenda O’Dell proposed opening Heater’s Pond on Memorial night and weekends until school is finished. She also suggested the sale of badges to use the pond and to keep track of license plates to make sure only residents are using the pond.

The Ogdensburg Council approved a volunteer Cleanup Day, Feb. 24, during their council meeting.
Volunteers will clean up Heater’s Pond, parks, and playgrounds on May 16, with a rain date of May 23.
Mayor George Hutnick said garbage bags, gloves, pizza, and water will be supplied by the Clean Communities Grant. Additionally, they will need plant donations, excluding the Heater’s Pond Memorial, which the VFW maintains, and the Friends of Heater’s Pond should be invited to participate.
Councilwoman Brenda O’Dell proposed opening Heater’s Pond on Memorial night and weekends until school is finished. She also proposed changing the pond hours to 10 a.m. until 6 p.m.
Hutnick said the only hold-back would be life-guard availability.
Council President Michael Nardini asked, on behalf of the swim team, about possibly changing the hours to noon until 7 p.m, two or three days a week, beginning in July through part of August. He said the ORA would pay for the extra swim practice hour. Furthermore, he said, parents could come after work, instead of only having practice during the day.
O’Dell said it would depend on staff availability, because they require two life guards on duty at all times.
In addition, O’Dell said she would like to sell badges at the pond when the head guard is on duty, as a convenience for residents. She said there would also be a notebook of names and addresses, and the police could run license plates to ensure only Ogdensburg residents are using the pond.
Public comment
Ogdensburg Board of Education Vice-President Brendan Donegan asked about plans regarding an ordinance to restrict traffic on the horseshoe at Ogdensburg Elementary School.
Hutnick and Councilwoman Rachel Slater said the ordinance is already in motion, and after being assigned, a sign will be posted with the ordinance number.
Resident Pat Sabourin said she and her husband will move from Ogdensburg in the next couple of weeks. She added, after living in Ogdensburg almost 48 years, they do not want to leave, but it is necessary to move locally at this time.