Pass It Along’s ‘Get Connected’ program open for enrollment
LAFAYETTE. The 10-week program provides support to teenagers and young adults through self-discovery workshops, volunteer opportunities and social events.

Pass It Along is accepting referrals for its signature “Get Connected” program.
The 10-week program provides support to teenagers and young adults through self-discovery workshops, volunteer opportunities and social events.
“Get Connected” is for people ages 16-25 in Sussex and Warren counties who are facing social, emotional and/or behavioral challenges.
It aims to provide opportunities for participants to feel empowered to create options in building a successful future while establishing new friendships.
To inquire or apply, go online to
Pass It Along is a nonprofit organization committed to helping build confident, resilient and compassionate teenagers through free self-discovery, volunteerism and leadership programming.
Recognizing the leadership potential in today’s youth, Pass It Along offers opportunities for teenagers to learn about issues facing our communities and empowers them to plan, lead and participate in initiatives to bring about change.
The organization relies on the community’s generosity so it may offer free programs for teens. To donate, go to