Paul Crowley

Position: Franklin Mayor
Age: 68
Political History: Mayor – 7 years, Member, Franklin Borough Planning Board; Former Member and Chairman Franklin Borough Zoning Board of Adjustment; 12 years on the Franklin Elementary School Board of Education, including President and Vice President; Past President of Sussex County Educational Services Commission; Current Vice President – Franklin Education Association; Past Chairman of the Franklin Municipal Alliance
Occupation: Dentist
Education: NJ Dental School/ Rutgers School of Medicine and Dentistry- Doctorate; St Peter’s University (Jersey City) — BS in Biology; U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md.
Family: Married to Carol for 40 years with 4 adult children and 3 grandchildren
Top three issues: 1. To stabilize the property taxes with the decline in population in Sussex County. The only way to keep Franklin affordable is to control spending and bring in new ratables. Franklin has been designated as “the 9th most affordable town in New Jersey”- We must strive to maintain this distinction. 2. To continue the commercial development of the Route 23 corridor with new and improved ratables and also improve the Route 517 and Main Street initiatives. 3. To continue working with the town council and recreation commission to make Franklin an attractive location for young families to reside. An influx of new families will reverse our decline in population.