Dingman. The Pike County Conservation District and the Penn State Extension will be hosting a free seminar on spotted lanternfly.
In early 2021, Pike County was officially declared a quarantine county for spotted lanternfly, which means it’s been found in the borders of the county. The lanternfly feeds on more than 70 species of plants, including many edible plants and trees, and has the potential to be a major threat to many local industries, including agriculture and tourism.
The seminar speaker, Vincent Cotrone, Penn State Extension urban forester, will be presenting information on the background and general biology of the lanternfly and all the tips you need to stay ahead of this new pest.
The seminar will be held from 7 to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug, 18, at the Dingman Township Volunteer Firehall. Free cookies and coffee will be available. Registration is free but requested. To register, visit pikeconservation.org or our Facebook (@pikeconservation).
For questions contact Devan George at 570-226-8220 or dgeorge@pikpa.org.