Pope John students are collecting coats and blankets to ‘Warm-up NYC’
Sparta /
| 02 Mar 2021 | 04:23

Sparta. Pope John sophomores Isabella Fiore and Michael Rocco O’Krepky are kicking off “Warm-up NYC,” a blanket and coat drive for the homeless population in New York City. Both students share a love of the city and want to help those less fortunate, especially during the time of Covid. A collection box is located in the main entrance at Our Lady of the Lake Church, 294 South Sparta Avenue, Sparta. If you do not wish to drop off items, the students will pick up them up, if it can be done by March 12 in Sparta. To arrange a pickup email mrisfundraising@gmail.com. Only blankets and coats will be accepted and must be placed in a plastic bag outside at the time of pickup.