Temporary Route 15 bridge construction almost done
JEFFERSON. July 19 remains the target date for the road to reopen to traffic.

Construction of a temporary bridge on Route 15 South is expected to be completed by Friday, July 5.
After that, modifications to the drainage system, grading of the highway approaches to the temporary bridge, paving of the temporary bridges and its approaches, and striping of the road must be completed.
July 19 remains the target date for the road to reopen to traffic.
The Route 15 southbound bridge over the Rockaway River in Jefferson was closed June 4 after monitoring equipment showed movement in the structure.
The state Department of Transportation (DOT) promised to build a temporary bridge to restore two lanes of traffic in six weeks.
According to a website set up to monitor progress on the project, construction of a 150-foot-long temporary bridge is under way. It will be positioned directly above the remaining portion of the Route 15 southbound bridge.
The temporary bridge is being built in sections off-site. The sections are trucked to the site, lifted into place and assembled.
The temporary bridge will not have load restrictions on trucks.
Jefferson Mayor Eric Wilsusen reported that the temporary bridge structure has been completed and the road decking is being installed, according to a post on his Facebook page Friday, June 28.
“The road surface will be brought up to grade to meet the bridge deck starting early next week. Temporary drainage is mainly completed,” he said after an online meeting with the DOT’s acting commissioner and staff.
“All is on schedule. Target date is still July 19th.”
Jefferson Township Administrator Debi Millikin and council president Jay Dunham visited the construction site and were impressed by the amount of activity, “with work being completed on both sections of the bridge simultaneously,” Wilsusen said.
He urged residents to patronize businesses along Route 15 that have been affected by the closure.
Avenues in Motion, one of the eight Transportation Management Associations in New Jersey, is offering to help workers affected by the Route 15 closure find a carpool, vanpool, and park and rides.
Go online to avenuesinmotion.org and use the Map-It Tool.
Avenues in Motions urged employers to consider offering their workers the opportunity to work from home temporarily when possible to reduce traffic and commuting stress.
For help, call 973-267-7600 or send email to info@avenuesinmotion.org