Vernon Township hosts 'Music in the Mountains'
Vernon. Area marching bands compete at U.S. Bands Gold Competition.

Vernon Township High School Viking Marching Band hosted, Sept. 21, the US Bands Gold Competition “Music in the Mountains.”
Outstanding brass, winds, and percussion reverberated throughout the VTHS Macerino Stadium to audience cheers. Waves of red, blue and gold flags flowed. Batons soared in the air – to be caught confidently with a smile.
As the host, Vernon Township High School Band did not compete, but performed “An Arabian Night,” with an extensive set including the “Taj Mahal” domes.
Instrumental Parents Booster President Ken Hogan said his favorite part about the entire event is all the parents helping.
“It’s great to see so many people involved,” he said.
The Vernon show by itself, he added, required about 30 parents to help move the props on and off the field.