Local Scouts hold food drive

Newton The Rev. Brown Junior Girl Scout Troop #225 held a canned food drive recently to benefit the food pantry at Project Self-Sufficiency. Troop members collected 25 boxes of canned food and toiletries, which will be distributed to the project’s clients in need. The pantry distributes more than a ton of food and toiletries to participating families each month. The agency is always grateful to receive donations of soup, canned fruits and vegetables, pastas and sauces, peanut butter, toothpaste, shampoos and conditioners, hair care products, laundry detergents, diapers, toilet tissue, facial tissue and feminine hygiene products. Project Self-Sufficiency is located at 127 Mill Street in Newton. To make a donation to the food pantry or to find out more about the programs and services offered at the agency, call 973-940-3500.