HAMBURG-Heroes and superheroes won hands down as the most popular costumes at this year's annual Halloween Parade. Beginning at the firehouse, crossing Route 23, and marching up the hill to the Hamburg School, more than 75 children with their parents enjoyed the pre-Halloween celebration. Prizes were awarded for several costume categories with Betsy and Larry Edsall from the senior citizens group and Bonnie Reina, a member of the Ladies Auxiliary of the fire department, acting as judges. After the costume judging, the children spent the rest of the afternoon filling up on Halloween "treats." Then came the games. Adults supervised playing "pin the nose on the pumpkin," painting faces on pumpkins, a ghost toss, and finishing with a rousing round of musical tombstones. The Recreation Committee, which had experienced a recent setback with the resignation of its chairperson came together with other interested parents, so that this event would not have to be canceled, and accomplished the most successful Halloween party to date.