Sponsor shares message of leadership and service with Lenape Valley Soccer Club

It’s been a tough year for youth sports, so navitend, an information technology company located in Stanhope, decided to do something to make things a little brighter for the Lenape Valley Soccer Club .Frank Ableson, navitend’s CEO, recently met with the club to hand out warmup jackets and to deliver a special message: “Wherever you go, lead and serve others,” he said. “At home, at school, at work. In your community. Be a peacemaker. Walk in faith. Walk in courage. No matter who you are or what your situation, you can make a difference.”
Being a part of the community is a huge part of navitend’s mission and culture. “When I learned about the donation of warm up jackets, by navitend for our entire club I was completely blown away,” said Mike Murphy, an executive board member for LVSC and coach. “Seeing the player’s eyes light up from not just a jacket but a club jacket, which is a symbol of one big family, not just a soccer family but exactly what navitend represents a community family!
“The timing of this couldn’t have been better for our club which has had many positive changes despite the challenges that pandemic posed. We have a new committed leadership, an influx of new families and players, and some new facilities, in Netcong that we can now call home. I saw this as a great opportunity to bring our club closer and be the soccer family that we are striving to become. After meeting Mr. Ableson and listening to him explain what navitend stands for and that their mission is to show leadership and serve in all aspects of our lives it all made sense. In these times of uncertainty that we have all experienced, I truly believe this will help these children see that they are a part of something bigger, and help give them a sense of community that we all need, especially now.”
Patrice Schaffer