Westy's Gymnastics Power team ready for season
FRANKLIN — Westys Gymnastics Power Team is ready to take on another year of competition.
After finishing last year with their highest overall score ever of a 17.33 (which was 5 points higher than their first score of the year), the girls are training harder than ever and have their sights set on a score of 18.
Power Teams have between 6-12 girls that compete together on floor tumbling skills, vault and mini tramp, along with a dance-and-skill routine. The routines this past year were choreographed by coach Joanne Poppe of Vernon. Coach Paedyn Babcock of Franklin took on the task of skills and synchronization. Members of the Westys Power team Sparta, Wantage, Vernon, Ogdensburg, Hamburg and Hardyston.
The Power team program at Westy's Gymnastics is a group competitive team program. Instead of competing individually, the Power team competes as a group in various events. All of our team members have tons of fun practicing, building skills and finally competing. This is a year-round program and we Westy's is always looking for new members to join the amazing Level 2 and Level 3 teams.
Westy's Gymnastics is celebrating its 20 year anniversary this year. It has a combination of recreational programs as well as competitive teams. For more information on any of programs, call 973-209-1552, email westysgym@embarqmail.com, the website www.westysgym.us or follow Westy's on Facebook.