Sussex County YMCA honored at 30th Annual Fellowship Dinner

| 21 Feb 2012 | 02:02

Hardyston — The Sussex County YMCA recently received high acclaim from the Metropolitan YMCA of the Oranges at their 30th Annual Fellowship Dinner. The Fellowship Dinner celebrated the achievements of the Metropolitan YMCA of the Oranges for the past year, and recognized the members, staff and volunteers who helped make 2006 a success. Richard K. Gorab, president and CEO of the Metropolitan YMCA of the Oranges, said, “Our Annual Fellowship Dinner allows us to reflect on the past year’s accomplishments and pay special recognition to those who’ve distinguished themselves in their YMCA service.” A number of awards were presented at the dinner, and the Sussex County YMCA took home four of the organization’s most prestigious awards, including the W. Daniel McCain Volunteer of the Year Award, the Rudolph N. Hawkins Staff Member of the Year Award, the Judge Harry W. Lindeman Adult Member of the Year Award and the Russell Colgate Youth of the Year Award. The Rudolph N. Hawkins, Staff Member of the Year Award was presented to the Sussex County YMCA’s Executive Director, David Carcieri. He focused on increasing customer satisfaction, and in the end increased membership enrollment by 23 percent. Carcieri also helped launch the Y Lifestyles Change and the Y Active Families initiatives, which helped promote healthy lifestyles as well as family bonding. His leadership has helped make the Sussex County YMCA a success, in only the branch’s second year in their new facility. The W. Daniel McCain Volunteer of the Year Award was presented to Lisa Smith, who volunteered with the Swordfish Swim Team, and was a Storyteller, as well, for the YMCA’s Strong Kids Campaign. In the first year with a competitive swim team at the Sussex County YMCA, Lisa assumed responsibility for many tasks while serving as a liaison between parents and the aquatics director. Her perseverance and generosity helped make the swim season as well as the Strong Kids Campaign huge successes. The Judge Harry W. Lindeman Adult Member of the Year Award was presented to Lori Biehler for her efforts on behalf of the Sussex County YMCA. She has offered hope to others by sharing her personal struggles in overcoming disabilities. Her ability to connect with others has helped her become an accomplished Storyteller for the Strong Kids Campaign, sharing the message and desire to help the less privileged. Finally, Emily Harp was honored as the recipient of the Sussex County YMCA’s Russell Colgate Youth of the Year Award. Harp takes on many leadership responsibilities at the Y, offering assistance to those who need it. She continues her leadership as a mentor to younger children through the Linda Meyers Teen Institute and as a member of the Kittatinny High School Varsity Swim Team. For more information about the Sussex County YMCA, call 973-209-9622 or visit