Tax assistance available for senior citizens and low income families
SUSSEX COUNTY-The Sussex County Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Senior Services, is sponsoring a program to assist with State and federal tax preparation. This program is staffed with trained volunteers and is free to senior citizens and low income families, with income levels of $50,000 or below. Sites, which are located throughout Sussex County, will begin as early as Feb. 7, and continue through April 10. "I encourage all qualified citizens to take advantage of this program. We are thankful for the trained volunteers who provide assistance with income tax issues, which can be confusing," said Stephen Gruchacz, administrator of the Sussex County Department of Health and Human Services Individuals making appointments should bring the following information with them: their 2004 Federal and State tax forms, a copy of their 2003 Federal and State income tax returns, Form 1099 including SSA-1099, W-2, records of any other income received, IRA annual statements, receipts or cancelled checks for any medical/dental expenses and charitable contributions, as well as, their 2004 real estate tax bill (if they own a home). The locations, dates, times and details are as follows for 2005: Montague Municipal Building Clove Road Thursday 9 to 11 a.m. Walk in Sussex Nutrition Site Lewisburg Road Wednesday 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon. By Appointment -Call 973-579-0555 Vernon Senior Center Church Street Wednesday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. By Appointment - Call 973-579-0555 Vernon Senior Center Church Street Sunday 12 noon to 3 p.m. By Appointment -Call 973-579-0555 Franklin Senior Center Corkhill Road Monday 9 a.m. to 12 noon By Appointment -Call 973-579-0555 Hamburg Municipal Building Wallkill Avenue Saturday 9 a.m. to 12 noon By Appointment -Call 973-579-0555 Project Self Sufficiency Route 206 Tuesday 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. By Appointment -Call 973-3 83-5 129