This week, I have several short statements to make and events to speak about.
D-Day: June 6, 1944
Taking an evening walk near home with the wife, I heard the distinct sound of bagpipes around the corner, apparently at a golf outing postlude. This reminds me of the Black Watch.
The Black Watch has been a royal regiment of Scotland. The Highlanders had been, I recall from youthful interest in Ticonderoga, a prime element in the British assault on the fort in 1758 against the French - back when we were all on the same side.
The Black Watch also were part of the landings at Normandy on D-Day, June 6, 1944.
I watched most of the recording of the proceedings this year on the 80th anniversary of the landings. To me, this is a paramount example of good versus evil.
I wish for us to have goodwill to our fellow humans, but there are times that brave defiance and determination os necessary. D-Day was one of those.
I profoundly say “thank you” to the Greatest Generation, who performed this heroic crusade when, as Ike said so poignantly on the radio announcement: “The eyes of the world are upon you.”
Franklinite: State Mineral
Franklin’s very own mineral is now one of only 21 state symbols.
This was memorialized through unanimous approval by both the state Senate and Assembly, then signed by the governor.
The bill signed by the governor was given to the Franklin Mineral Museum at its annual Miners Day and volunteer appreciation event Sunday, June 9..
Sussex County Markers
June 30 is the deadline for applying for the Sussex County markers.
Please go to my county website to fill out the application.
This is one of the most desired opportunities that I find on the Sussex County Historian page.
The winners will be announced beforehand, then recognized at the New Jersey State Fair/Sussex County Farm & Horse Show in August.
Feel free to sign up at sussex.nj.us/cn/webpage.cfm?tpid=17045
Sussex County Young Historians
June 30 also is the deadline for applying for the Young Historian awards.
Those in school feel free to fill out an application; it only takes a few minutes.
The winners will be announced beforehand, then recognized at the New Jersey State Fair/Sussex County Farm & Horse Show in August.
Feel free to sign up at sussex.nj.us/cn/webpage.cfm?tpid=17045
Revolution 250
We are ramping up for this now. Those who would like to be involved feel free to contact me.
Bill Truran, Sussex County’s historian, may be contacted at billt1425@gmail.com