As we come out of the holidays, there appears to be a bright new year of 2025.
Let’s look at some of the history-related topics that are in store.
On Jan. 22, the portal will be open for applications for Sussex County historical marker awards.
Many historical societies look forward to applying so they may memorialize important places in their area.
This application can be found on the Sussex County website at sussex.nj.us under “SC History.” All history programs are reachable from this page.
Also, on the history page, interested young people may find applications for the Young Historian awards. These are for those who want to learn more about the history of our county and who want to make a difference for those of us living here in Sussex County.
A major “campaign” that we are undertaking is the project called Revolutionary NJ, a celebration of the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
The actual date for recognizing this is July 4, 2026, but the history related to the war might be considered to start at the Battle of Lexington and Concord that took place the year before, including Paul Revere’s Ride on April 18, 1775.
Thus, we will begin the effort with an introduction to the Revolutionary War time period and later start a more detailed description “day by day” (or close to it) with battles or important events that took place. We are looking forward to a rich year and a half, beginning in April.
At the end of June, we will close out the awards applications and make decisions on the ones to be half-funded by the county. We will also close out the Young Historian program applicants.
A highlight of each year is the New Jersey State Fair, known by many as the Sussex County Farm & Horse Show, that takes place at the beginning of August.
We will present the historical marker awards and the Young Historian awards on the first Saturday night of the fair.
In October is the anticipated Heritage Weekend, when the Sussex County Arts & Heritage Council sponsors a time to learn about our county’s past and its important buildings.
There are about 20 historical societies in the county, and many will open the doors to their historic buildings at this time.
This is a great way to learn about the county, travel to see significant structures and the beautiful autumn leaves, and many times run into a friend or gain a new one.
As the Sussex County historian, I hope to see you at these events.
Have a happy and healthy new year.
Bill Truran, Sussex County’s historian, may be contacted at billt1425@gmail.com