Gottheimer’s Invest to Protect Act: Does NJ really need 450+ police departments?

To the Editor:
In the recent article “Gottheimer pitches spending bill to Newton police,” the Newton Police Chief is quoted “most of the police departments in Sussex County do not qualify for major funding because of their size, and that the Invest to Protect Act would relieve some of their financial burden.” He further states: “It is important that we can do so without putting a massive strain on our town budgets. This additional infusion of taxpayer money from outside these towns is unnecessary. Since most of the police departments in Sussex County are small, this way of providing policing to these towns is extremely costly; putting a massive strain on town budgets. If Sussex County’s Municipal police departments were regionalized into one department, these towns could afford to fund the Invest to Protect Act themselves.”
Some years ago a study was done on consolidating Somerset County’s police departments, and the same was done for Morris County’ police departments. The results found: Somerset County taxpayers could save $17.8 million a year, while Morris County taxpayers could save $50 million a year by regionalizing.
When the position of police chief in Sussex County can exceed $200,000 in total compensation, it’s easy to understand how regionalization could add up to millions saved in Sussex County alone. New Jersey doesn’t need over 450 municipal police departments.
Tris Tristram