Miller has shown service to Hardyston

| 25 May 2024 | 05:44

    As a resident and community leader in Hardyston, I have had the honor to work with Carl Miller for more than 20 years.

    I wholeheartedly ask you to join me in re-electing Carl Miller to the Hardyston Township Council.

    As a longtime resident of Hardyston, Carl has taken incredible pride in serving our wonderful community. His experiences serving on various boards demonstrate his committed service to our town.

    Carl knows that actions speak louder than words. His hometown values, proven commitment and unwavering dedication to our community are what Hardyston needs.

    When Carl joined me on the council, I knew of his years of giving back, serving our wonderful community, and his selfless devotion to the betterment of Hardyston. He has always and continues to put Hardyston first.

    Through all of his actions, he has demonstrated that he only cares about doing what’s best for Hardyston regardless of personal gain.

    Whenever the council needs to work with different community groups or other neighboring towns, Carl is always the first person to call. His mission is always to work together to support the growth of Hardyston!

    His experienced accomplishments over the past years of his tenure prove that he is the best choice for the job. His extensive experience in land use, finance and personnel management makes him an ideal member of the Hardyston council.

    Hardyston is a great town, and I know he would like to continue to serve our community to see that it remains great! He loves Hardyston, and he loves our people.

    Carl is not only my council colleague, but he is my mentor, my neighbor and, most of all, my friend.

    Vote for Carl Miller for Hardyston Township Council on June 4 in the Republican primary! Thank you for your support!

    Stan Kula


    Editor’s note: Kula is a member of the Hardyston Township Council.