Historians! We are in the last weeks during which interested people may apply to Sussex County for two history programs before the 2023 year closes.
These opportunities include the Young Historians and the Historic Marker Program. Applications for both are due by June 30.
The applications for both programs are online.
The Young Historians program is now in its third year.
It is for students in elementary, middle and high schools who want to begin their journey of exploring and enjoying Sussex County’s exciting history.
The application can be completed with your teacher or you can fill it out on your own. It only takes a few minutes to apply.
Winners will receive awards during the Sussex County (New Jersey State) Fair in August. They will also have their names put on the permanent plaque at the fair.
To apply for the Young Historians program, go online to https://forms.sussex.nj.us/f/YoungHistorian
The longstanding and ever-popular Sussex County Historic Marker Program is active again this year.
Markers from past years are found throughout the county. These are located in places that have a significant contribution to the county’s existence and progress through the centuries.
In years past, we have had multiple applications for markers. Usually, historical societies or municipalities will apply for markers to recognize significant locations in their town that have been part of making us who we are today.
These impressive markers, and the recipients, will be announced at the fair. During the presentation the recipients will have a chance to highlight their winner so the public will become aware of the historic locations.
The county will share the cost of the marker equally with the recipient of the marker.
When it arrives from the supplier, the county maintenance department will bring the heavy marker and pedestal to the pre-arranged location, set the base, mount the pedestal and put the sign in place.
The only thing the recipient needs to do is have a celebration of their choosing for the marker.
To apply for that program, go online to https://www.sussex.nj.us/cn/webpage.cfm?tpid=7983
These two programs are our premier historical contributions each year.
I encourage you (or perhaps your child or a friend’s child) to apply for the Young Historians.
I also encourage societies and municipalities to apply for the Historic Marker Program.
Bill Truran, Sussex County Historian