The Wanaque Reservoir serving northern New Jersey, just over 10 miles from Sterling State Forest, is nearly 50 percent empty, despite recent rain and snowfall. Drone photo by Nicholas Horton, The Pathfinder Studios. Farmers weather the drought The region saw its driest October on record this year. And while wildfires burned more than 5,000 acres of Sterling State... Evergreen 02 Dec 2024 | 12:34
BP1 The Bread and Puppet Theater performs at Meadowburn Farm in Vernon. (Photos by Becca Tucker) Countercultural puppet show returns to historic farm For the third year running, the itinerant Bread and Puppet Theater traveled by hand-painted school bus to Meadowburn Farm... Home 18 Sep 2023 | 07:47
A heritage turkey at Banbury Cross Farm in Goshen, N.Y., which is not raising the price of its birds this year despite quadrupled shipping costs for feed. (Photo by Becca Tucker) Stressed supply chains make for priciest Thanksgiving meal ever This year’s Thanksgiving feast is on pace to be the costliest ever, starting with record-breaking price tags for turkeys.... Local News 05 Nov 2021 | 12:51