Vernon renews animal control agreement with Franklin, starts trial with Montague The Vernon Township Council on Feb. 23 renewed one animal control shared-service agreement, approved a new one on a trial... Local News 05 Mar 2021 | 01:11
Can you smoke up in New Jersey? Cops say no, not yet. New Jerseyans voted two-to-one in November to legalize recreational cannabis for people 21 and over. The constitutional amendment... Local News 22 Jan 2021 | 12:27
The intersection of Lounsberry Hollow Road and County Highway 517 (Google maps) Highland Lakes man is killed in car accident at intersection Vernon. A Highland Lakes man was killed on Nov 22 after a motor vehicle accident at the intersection of Lounsberry Hollow... Police & Fire 04 Dec 2020 | 02:15
Then-Mayor Vic Marotta swears in Patrolman Emanuel Rivera at an August 2013 township council meeting as Chief Roy Wherry looks on. (File photo by Mike Zummo) Vernon police officer is charged with sexually assaulting woman who reported domestic violence A Vernon Township police officer has been charged with sexually assaulting a woman who had called police to report domestic... Local News 28 May 2020 | 01:47